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You want to give your all - regardless of the discipline. That's why it's important to keep your body fit before, during and after training. These massage exercises will help you get the most out of your performance.
Running is more than just a sport. Boost your performance by using your GYMTASTIC massage gun and integrating it into your training plan:
Attachment: Ball head
Speed: 3-6
Total time: 5 minutes
Massage each muscle group that is important for running performance for 30 seconds: front thigh, back thigh and calves. Use speed 5 to wake up the muscles with quick bursts of power. Reduce to speed 4 and use the round foam attachment to massage the more sensitive areas, including the hip flexors and hip abductors (lateral to the glutes).
Attachment: Cartridge head
Speed: 2-3
Total time: 8-10 minutes
After running, it's time to recover. Loosen up your muscles with the gentle but effective speed level 2. Massage your hip flexor, the arches of your feet, the lower calf near the Achilles tendon and the vastus medialis (the small part of the quadriceps just above the inside of the knee).
Attachment: Ball head
Speed: 4-5
Total time: 15 minutes
Spend your non-training day massaging your muscles. Use the round foam attachment and sweep it over the major muscle groups, including thighs, glutes, hamstrings, calves and lower back. Runners also need to take care of their upper body, so take some time for your shoulders, arms and upper back too.

Boost your performance and expand your capabilities with intelligent muscle therapy:
Attachment: Flat head
Speed: 3-5
Total time: 5 minutes
CrossFit workouts are almost always full-body workouts. With the multifunctional Kegel attachment, you massage all the important muscle groups - quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, back - for 15 to 30 seconds and prepare your body ideally for the demands of your workout.
Attachment: Flat head
Speed: 2-4
Total time: 15 seconds (per set)
Set your own rest intervals. Pause in two- to three-minute intervals and massage the muscles that are under the most stress with a short 15-second burst.
Attachment: Ball head and U-head
Speed: 1-2
Total time: 5-8 minutes
The hard work is done. Help your muscles to start the regeneration process by maintaining blood circulation. Set the massage gun to level 2 and massage all muscle groups except the back for 30 to 60 seconds. Then switch to the fork attachment and massage your neck and spine muscles for ultimate relief.
Your next set is only as good as your preparation. Optimize your strength by keeping your muscles fresh before, during and after training.
Attachment: Cartridge head
Speed: 4-5
Total time: 5 minutes
Use the bullet attachment for a highly targeted percussion treatment. No matter which muscle group you are training - treat it in advance with your massage gun and prepare it optimally for your workout.
Attachment: Cartridge head
Speed: 3-5
Total time: 30 seconds (per set)
Use the bullet attachment to continue working the muscles you are focusing on in your workout. Use the rest breaks to work the trained muscles with fast strokes at speed 4.
Attachment: Ball head
Speed: 1-2
Total time: 10 minutes
Flush out lactic acid and other by-products from your muscles by working your muscles with the massage gun on level 2. This level releases tension and promotes muscle repair with deep but gentle force. Massage your strained muscle groups for up to two minutes at a time.

Whether you are a competitive or recreational athlete, GYMTASTIC has your back. Our massage gun is the benchmark for percussion therapy - and the best tool to achieve your goals.